6 Awesome Yoga Health Benefits


Yoga has great mental, spiritual and physical benefits! I’ve noticed a significant shift in my overall health physically and internally since I decided to really immerse myself in establishing a steady at-home practice. I feel more energized throughout the day, I sleep much better and I find myself taking deep breaths before going into a panic about things that I can’t control (and even things that I can control!).

Today, I’m sharing some details about how yoga has changed my lifestyle for the better. I hope this inspires someone to start or continue their journey!

Check out these 6 Awesome Yoga Health Benefits

1. Reduces Stress

I’ve often heard people say, “When you look good, you feel good.” While, I do believe this is true, I also believe that when you feel good, you look good! When I’m taking time to meditate and get rid of all of the worries of the day, I feel good. When mediate while chanting some of my favorite mantras I feel better. I’m not burdened by the what-if, why’s and worries of my life, I feel lighthearted, driven and eager to love myself and others. I laugh and smile more (Studies show that smiling is good for your health.); I’m motivated to get up and move (Which also produces endorphins for additional happiness.); and I look more youthful and at ease with life because I’m not walking around frowning or stressing to the point of getting ulcers, migraines and other health issues.

2. Increases Self-Esteem

We all have our own unique journey when it comes to the practice of yoga and as we sow, learn, and grow through the process we change for the better. My body has definitely changed for the better since I started my yoga journey: I’m stronger, leaner and my skin looks amazing these days! I feel great and I know it’s because of the lifestyle change that came with my yoga journey. It’s not just a focus on the physical, my mind and most importantly my spiritual connection to the practice has boosted my self-esteem

3. Better Flexibility & Strength

A difference in muscle strength and flexibility are inevitable benefits of yoga. It may not happen overnight, but you’ll start noticing that you can hold poses that once seemed impossible for longer, or you’ll find yourself going deeper into stretches. When you awaken your body and are mindful of the poses you’re doing by engaging your muscles, especially your core, it increases your strength and stability. The stronger you are, the longer you’ll hold poses and the more you’ll challenge yourself to try variations and to push your body a little further every time you step on the mat.

4. Better Posture

Many yoga postures are great for correcting your posture. Like many people who work an office job, I spend the majority of my week sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable chair staring at a computer screen, and I’m pretty much tied to my Smartphone as well during and after work. This is no bueno for my posture at all! I find myself feeling tight and sore around my neck, shoulders and upper back because of the constant strain I’m putting on these areas, but thank God for yoga! It can help you adjust and maintain your posture for the better. Chest openers, back bends and any posture that lengthen your spine in a steady, balanced way are ideal to try.

5. Increased Body Awareness

The mind-body connection of yoga makes you more aware of what’s going on inside and outside of your body. I’m not speaking in a sense of body awareness in a sense of negative perceptions of oneself, but instead an awareness of the power that we all have within. I’ve seen yogis do things that I never thought I’d be able to achieve, but with patience and persistence, I’ve surprised myself and done them. I’ve noticed an intrinsic paradigm shift as a result of yoga. I don’t operate in the mindset of “I can’t,” instead, I remind myself that “in due time…” I’ll be able to accomplish the goals that I set for myself. I’m also more aware of what I put into my body. I have more self-love in general. Yes, I do want to look and feel a certain way, but I realize that my body is truly my temple and I have to treat it that way by nurturing it with proper nutrition and physical activity. You only get one body, so take care of it!

6. Better Sleep

A study shows that incorporating yoga into your lifestyle helps to improve sleep. Harvard Medical School researchers worked with 20 participants in the study to focus on breathing, meditation and mantra. They did this for eight weeks and as a result, their sleep efficiency improved significantly. I don’t know if it’s the fact that yoga puts me in an instant state of Zen because I’m focused on that mind-body-spirit component of yoga anything I step on my mat, but I noticed that I get better sleep when I consistently practice yoga.

Need some inspiration? Check out these 6 relaxing yoga poses to help you sleep better.

Ciao Bellas,