How Self-Awareness Helped Me Get My Joy Back

Have you ever felt like your hard work was in vain and no matter how much you try to convince yourself that the “struggle” is worth it, things seem like they’re in a constant state of regressing instead of progressing? That was the story of my life at work for the past several months. I found…

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Beauty Tutor: How To Oil Rinse Your Hair (A Beginner’s Guide)

Hey B&B friends! You guys know I don’t like keeping secrets from you, especially not dope beauty secrets and tips. I wouldn’t say that oil rinsing is something new to the beauty industry, people have been doing it for years, but it’s fairly new to my hair care routine and my tresses are definitely reaping…

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6 Awesome Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga has great mental, spiritual and physical benefits! I’ve noticed a significant shift in my overall health physically and internally since I decided to really immerse myself in establishing a steady at-home practice. I feel more energized throughout the day, I sleep much better and I find myself taking deep breaths before going into a panic…

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